We create a learning platform where school kids can learn how to use the internet safely

Security awareness must be promoted at an early age
With almost 50,000 security incidents reported to the National Cybersecurity Centre, a new record was set in 2023
“Making young people aware of the dangers and challenges of the internet is part of parents’ and teachers’ responsibilities.”
NCSC: Child and youth prevention
We enable teachers and parents to fulfil this task, by providing the necessary expert knowledge
Source: National Cyber Security Center
Our learning platform on aware.swiss promotes pupils’ security awareness and thus supports teachers and parents
Stories as a basis
The story-based learning content arouses interest and leads to independent learning
Playful learning
The playful structure offers practical tasks and conveys the knowledge
Individual teaching
Individual interest determines the pace of learning and the level of depth of a topic
Teaching material for teachers
The necessary background knowledge for teachers is provided
Current content
Continuous further development and industry and management expertise guarantee up-to-date content
Preparation for the world of work
Confident use of the Internet will be expected by employers in the future
High demands on teaching staff
Not all teachers and parents have the necessary expertise to teach students how to use IT resources and the Internet safely
We offer various training courses for teachers so that they can act as coaches in security awareness lessons
- The basics of IT security
- Current dangers on the Internet
- How to use the aware.swiss platform

Become our pilot school
We are looking for pilot schools (secondary education I) that get access to pre-release versions and are willing to share their experiences and wishes with us in return
Find out when it starts
The platform is still under construction
We will inform you as soon as it is available